Built on an advanced software architecture, the unique
coretechnology inthe AWR Design Environment is a modern
object-oriented data model that isinherently open and
flexible compared to legacy design tools. The AWRDesign
Environment elevates the product development process by
allowingthe entire engineering team to effortlessly integrate
Analog Office circuit designs into one platform with Visual
System Simulator (VSS) for systemdesign and TestWave for
simulation with test and measurement equipment,providing an
accurate understanding of the impact of today's complex
modulated RF signals and "real world" circuit performance. The
result is a truly revolutionary design approach that enables
interactive tradeoffsbetween system requirements and circuit
implementation.AWR's open software architecture and
industry-standard applicationprogramming interface give
customers easy access into the underlying datastructures,
allowing seamless integration with other best-in-class tools
and design environments. This protects customers' investment
in models andsimulators, lowers their cost of support, and
enables easy customization of specific flow requirements.
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